the best that ever did it.

I only skated at the same time and place that Keenan Milton was skating once--Astor (of course). He kicked chest-high switch varial heels all night. Like it was his job. A couple years later I ran into him on the Sunset Strip. Let me set this up for you--I had somehow amassed a ton of money so I was like "fuck it--Ima go out to LA and see what that shit is all about." So I did. One night, I was staying at some motel on Labrea or some shit and I decided that this would be my night to PARTY DOWN ON THE SUNSET STRIP. However, I did not have a car. So I walked up there and went to the Lava Lounge, which someone I knew said was cool. Then I walked down to where The Rainbow, Viper Room and all that other shit are. Actually, the Viper Room was on the side opposite the one I was walking down. It scared me.
LA is funny because if you walk down the street, you're literally the only person walking down the street. So I walked past the entrance to some club and Keenan was there, waiting to get in. I knew it was him because he subtlely looked down to check out my shoes--some new e'S Creagers, which had just came out. This was during the time when someone who wore skate shoes probably actually skated. He just kind of subtley looked down as I walked down the Strip, the only person that was walking down it. Then he died on the Fourth of July (my birthday) 2001.
Be careful out there.
A while ago, I was viewing the video NY Revisited 1, which is basically "leftover" RB Umali footage from 95-6. I realized that there are four young gentlemen in that film that left this world way too fucking early (Harold, Mike Cardona, Keenan AKA THE BEST THAT EVER DID IT, and Justin Pierce). That fact is somewhat underrated--i.e. four gentlemen from a scene, any skate scene, left this world too early. That's more than Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, & Hendrix.
Be careful out there.
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